
IN the course of rearrangement of the study collections in the Department of Zoology, it has recently been discovered that the Bristol Museum and Art Gallery possesses the three gorilla skulls (Reg. Nos. Ab 1993, 1994, 1995) from which Prof, (afterwards Sir Richard) Owen first described this animal to the Zoological Society of London in a paper read on February 22, 1848. This was published in Trans. Zool. Soc., 3, pp. 381–422 (1849) and Plates LVIII–LXIII as ” Osteological Contributions to the Natural History of the Chimpanzees (Troglodytes, Geoffroy) including the description of the skull of a large species (Troglodytes Gorilla, Savage) discovered by Thomas S. Savage M.D. in the Gaboon Country, West Africa”. One of the skulls (Ab 1993) is figured in Plates LXI-LXIII and, as related on p. 391, they were procured in December 1847.

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