
M.A. Gareev, M.V. Frunze ‐ voennyi teoretik [M.V. Frunze ‐ Military Theorist] (Moscow: Voenizdat, 1985); N.V. Ogarkov, Istoriia uchit bditel'nosti [History Teaches Vigilance] (Moscow: Voenizdat, 1985); Alexander Yakovlev, On the Edge of an Abyss: From Truman to Reagan, the Doctrines and Realities of the Nuclear Age (Moscow: Progress, 1985); Genrikh Trofimenko, The U.S. Military Doctrine (Moscow: Progress, 1986); S.A. Tiushkevich, Voina i sovremennost’ [War and the Contemporary World] (Moscow: Nauka, 1986); M.S. Milovidov (ed.), Voenno‐teoreticheskoe nasledie V.I. Lenina i problemy sovremennoi voiny [The Military‐Theoretical Heritage of V.I. Lenin and Problems of Modern War] (Moscow: Voenizdat, 1987); Iu. la. Kirshin, V.M. Popov and R.A. Savushkin, Politicheskoe soderzhanie sovremennykh voin [The Political Content of Modern Wars] (Moscow: Nauka, 1987).

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