
Goodman, K. D. (201 1 ). therapy and training: From theory to practice. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas. 324 pages. ISBN 978-0-398-08609-1. $69.95Goodman's text represents an ambitious undertaking and will serve as a timely, valuable resource for music therapy educators. With recent advances in science, research, and data collection techniques that have transformed clinical practice, the time is right to examine educational practices in music therapy, thus ensuring the best possible preparation of future generations of clinicians. Goodman's approach consists of examining what students learn in the classroom (i.e., theory, skills, etc.) and considering ways to help students transfer that information to the clinical setting. Overall, she provides a broad overview of music therapy and training, with an impressive amount of detail in certain areas.In the first chapter, Music Therapy Education and Training in the United States, Goodman offers a comprehensive historical review of and in music therapy, including university programs, curricula, and professional organizations as well as guidelines for university program approval and a detailed discussion of levels of professional practice. This information will serve as a helpful guide for the newly-hired assistant professor or a rich resource for anyone wishing to pursue research on music therapy education. The details included here would also play a vital role in the establishment of a new music therapy program at a university or even as part of accreditation reviews (i.e., the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations) when questions arise as to the of clinicians. The content reflects a depth of knowledge that can only be gleaned from years of teaching experience and first-hand knowledge of music therapy governing bodies (i.e., American Therapy Association [AMTA], National Association for Schools of [NASM]), as well as the peculiarities of academia.The chapter provides a clear presentation of factual information with little analysis or interpretation. Questions that appear to remain unanswered in this chapter include: which universities offer both undergraduate and graduate music therapy education? What are the philosophical positions of these programs? Additionally, the chapter does not explore the status of the educational competencies for the doctoral degree and gives no information on the Registered Therapist credential.Chapter 2, Competency-Based Education and Training, details the development of professional music therapy competencies and offers considerations for how to address the competencies in education. Goodman clarifies the difference between education (i.e., the initial introduction of skills and knowledge in the classroom) and training (i.e., application of skills and knowledge in the clinical realm) and places a strong emphasis on the value of the competencies and their relevance to clinical practice, specifically for music foundations, clinical foundations, and music therapy. Furthermore, Goodman draws in and reflects upon research that has been done on the competencies; an effort that very much strengthens and deepens the material. Once again, this chapter would be of significant benefit to any educator looking to establish a music therapy program or revise a curriculum.Chapter 3, Preprofessional Clinical Training, presents an overview of practicum and internship, with discussion of appropriate degrees of structure, support, and supervision in both areas. Goodman explores additional competencies such as client assessment, treatment planning, therapy implementation, therapy evaluation, documentation, termination/ discharge planning, professional ethics, interdisciplinary collaboration, supervision, and administration. She integrates findings of previous research on the identified competencies when this information is available. …

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