
The issue of the accessibility of culture and art for deaf and hard of hearing people is the topic of the implementation doctoral dissertation conducted by the author of the article under the supervision of dr hab. prof. University of Lodz Aneta Pawłowska as part of the Doctoral School of Humanities at the University of Lodz and the Association Social Support "Ja-Ty-My" in Lodz entitled: The problem of accessibility of information in public institutions and social economy entities in the field of culture and art for people with hearing loss and disabilities in Poland. Recommendations and standards.
 The article is an attempt to look from the point of view of a researcher - a deaf person - insider, at the issue of the broadly understood accessibility and significance of the Deafland (Głusza) exhibition at the Silesian Museum in Katowice (a breakthrough in Poland in terms of the subject matter and the model of available technical solutions for people with special needs).

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