
Good governance manifesting in areas of rule of law, transparency, accountability, citizens participation among others are sine qua non for national peace and development. However, ‘poverty of leadership’ in most of the Nigeria’s 57 years of existence has not only hindered the nation’s development, but continued to threaten its peace and stability. While it is widely believed that bad governance is prevalent in autocratic and oligarchic systems, it is evident now that bad governance does exist much more in democracies. Therefore, the study analysed the twin concepts of governance and good governance; assessed the nature of governance offered by the nation’s leaders; and its effects on the national peace and development. Using secondary data, the study revealed that, unethical practices, arbitrary rule and corruption which pervade public offices are products of bad governance. The study further revealed that, bad governance in Nigeria has brought about unemployment, poverty, crimes, internal violence, insurgents activities, diseases, loss of lives and properties, and underdevelopment of the country. The study concluded that until proactive steps are taken for the enthronement of good governance, peace, stability as well as development will continue to elude the nation, beyond this, the corporate existence of the nation remains threatened. Key Words: Governance, Good Governance, Catalyst, National Peace and Development

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