
Background: Infection caused by Neisseria Gonorrhoeae increases the risk of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). Gonococcal PID tends to be clinically more severe than non-gonococcal ones. The main is to present two cases of gonococcal PID, with rapid clinical and analytic progression, leading to severe sepsis, but without imaging manifestations. Clinical presentation: 1. 41-year-old patient with replacement of intrauterine releasing levonorgestrel device (IUD), presented abdominal pain and green vaginal discharge. Abdominal examination revealed signs of peritoneal irritation and blood test showed leukocytosis, increased C Reactive Protein and procalcitonin, as well as coagulation abnormalities. Imaging tests (vaginal ultrasound/tomography) revealed no structural pathology, without collections. Given the criteria of severe sepsis, broadspectrum intravenous (iv) antibiotic therapy was started and laparoscopy and IUD removal were performed. Cervical and IUD cultures were positive for Neisseria gonorrhoeae. 2. 20-year-old woman, with an IUD, consulted for abdominal pain, low-grade fever and green vaginal discharge. Abdominal examination suggested peritoneal sensitivity and laboratory tests leukocytosis, increased C Reactive Protein and procalcitonin with coagulation abnormalities. Imaging tests (vaginal ultrasound/tomography) showed no structural pathology, without collections. Despite analgesia and broad-spectrum iv antibiotics, the patient worsened, proceeding to remove the IUD. Given the criteria compatible with severe sepsis, laparoscopy was decided. Endocervical and IUD cultures revealed Neisseria gonorrhoeae. Conclusions: Facing the situation of an acute PID with severe and fast clinical worsening even without findings in imaging tests, we should consider gonococcal ethiology as a possible cause. Surgical approach shouldn’t be delayed in order to control the infection and rule out other possible diagnosis.

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