
More GAL-I cells exist within sexually dimorphic cell groups of the medial preoptic nucleus (MPN) in male rate than females, a large percentage of estrogen-concentrating cells within MPN cell groups are also GAL-immunoreactive (GAL-IR), and significantly more GAL-IR cells are visible with estrogen or its precursor, testosterone. Gonadal steroids also increase the size (diameter) of MPN GAL-IR cells and the number of GAL-IR cell processes within a portion of the MPN called the "GAL-IR MPOA plexus," which exists in males only. GAL microinjected into the MPN stimulated male-typical sexual behaviors, with more testosterone required in females than males. Immunoneutralization with anti-GAL serum inhibited male-typical sexual behavior, indicating a role for endogenous GAL within the MPN. Microinjection of GAL into the MPN also stimulated female-typical sexual behaviors in estrogen-treated females and males, and GAL within the MPN dramatically overrode an inhibition of lordosis by dihydrotestosterone in rats of both sexes.

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