
The Spotted Scat (Scatophagus argus), an important euryhaline fish inhabiting mangrove and coastal regions of Indo-Pacific waters, is both an ornamental and food fish in India. Detailed insight into maturation of Spotted Scat when maintained in aquaculture systems, therefore, needs to be elucidated. Lack of information on annual maturation dynamics of female scat collected from their natural habitat and reared in earthen ponds is the basis of this study. Oocytes were classified into five developmental stages: pre-vitellogenic, vitellogenic, late-vitellogenic, ripe, and follicular atresia. Ovarian maturity stages were subsequently categorized as immature (Stage 1), vitellogenesis (Stage 2), maturing (Stage 3), mature (Stage 4), and spent (Stage 5). In oocytes in primary, secondary and tertiary yolk stages, there are greater concentrations of E2 in vitellogenic females between March and June. Significant increases of E2, T, and 17-OHP paralleled the increase of diameter of late–vitellogenic oocytes in maturing females during July. The completion of vitellogenesis and initiation of germinal vesicle migration in the cytoplasm were evident in mature females (Stage 4) with a decreasing trend of sex steroids in and subsequent to the month of August. There were 50 % of oocytes in the final oocyte maturation stage (FOM) (490–620 μm) until completion of Stage 4 in September. The results of this study indicate there is complete ovarian maturation in female scats captured in their natural habitat and maintained in an earthen pond, which may be important information for hatchery management for induction of spawning of Spotted Scat in aquaculture systems.

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