
Prominent among Indonesians for their travel needs are the well-established and rapidly expanding online transportation companies Gojek and Grab. In addition to facilitating individuals' mobility, this internet-based mode of transportation offers a variety of enhancements and conveniences. Economic actors engage in cooperative value creation while simultaneously competing for a portion of that value in a dynamic and strategic process known as coopetition. Combining two forms of contact that frequently adhere to contradictory principles, co-opetition is an intriguing concept. Compared to Gojek, Grab is superior in nine metrics. Non-Social media reach is where Gojek is first. This pertains to the approach adopted by Gojek to enhance the quantity and quality of their digital audience communication, excluding social media. Grab has a substantial advantage in social media reach, with 21 million, over Gojek's meager 7 million—nearly three times as much. This disparity is an additional intriguing aspect. Grab has the highest number of user-generated content (3,628), suggesting that its users are more engaged in the process of creating content.

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