
Cameron Morse lives with his wife Lili and son Theodore in Blue Springs, MO. Morse was diagnosed with glioblastoma in 2014. With a 14.6-month life expectancy, he entered the creative writing program at the University of Missouri–Kansas City and, in 2018, graduated with a master of fine arts degree. His poems have been published in numerous magazines, including New Letters, Bridge Eight, and South Dakota Review. His first collection, Fall Risk (Glass Lyre Press, 2018), won Glass Lyre Press's 2018 Best Book Award. His second, Father Me Again, is available from Spartan Press (2018). “Going Under” © 2019 by Cameron Morse. Contact the author through his website: https://cameronmorsepoems.wordpress.com. Art of Nursing is coordinated by Amy M. Collins, managing editor: [email protected].

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