
Teaching evolution in the public schools has led to heated conflicts since the 1920s. It continues with undiminished strength to the present day as activist citizens and elected officials fight to diminish evolution's place in the science classroom by any means necessary. This ongoing war has touched nearly every state, and Florida is no exception. Its state legislature, state school board, local school boards, governors, and individual teachers have all felt the creationism vs. evolution heat. This book details the colorful characters and dramatic events that occurred as people tried to outlaw the teaching of evolution or balance it with mandatory creationist lessons. Several times over the decades, state lawmakers have attempted to pass laws on the subject. A few local school boards considered making creationism a part of the science curriculum, and one nearly succeeded. However, despite the passion the subject has always sparked and still sparks today, these and other events have faded from the public's and current elected officials’ memories. Few people, if any, who fight in the modern evolution education battles, realize they are on well-trodden ground. This book's purpose is to chronicle the constant battles and to educate the public, both in Florida and nationwide, about the state's science vs. religion struggles, both big and small.

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