
The study was aimed to find out the varieties of Gogo rice that are resistence of water supply and the low of light intensity and giving information about the varieties that are resistence of double water stress. The study was conducted on November 2020 to May 2021 and used a Randomized Block Design (RAK) with three factors. The first factor is soil water content of D1 40%, D2 60%, D3 80%., the second is shade intensity of N0 0%, N1 20%, N2 40%, and N3 60%. and the third is the varieties of V1 Situbagendit, V2 Red Sigambiri, V3 Inpago 8, V4 White Sigambiri. The result showed that there were differences of growing in different treatnent where the highest of plant of D3N0V1 is 54,73, the highest number of leaves of D3N0V1 is 7.03 and the highest tillers of D3N0V1 is 6.01. On each lowest observation of D1N2V4, the plants died at the age of 12 mds. The findings of the study showed that the soil water content of 80 %, and shade intensity of 0 % are significant effect on Gogo Varieties of Situbagendit.

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