
India is a country of diverse Gods and Goddesses. Every religion, every state and every community has a unique tradition and customs for worshipping their deities. This is also the case in Tripura State, which is home to 19 tribal communities. Here is a brief discuss about the gods and goddesses of the Tripura community. Out of the many Gods and Goddesses here, Rondokmwtai( Mailuma/Khuluma) and Noksumwtai are two of the most important. The people of Tripura are basically naturists and nature worshippers. The God and Goddesses worshiped in Tripura society are composed of various nature elements including forest, water, soil, sky, moon, sun, planets, stars, earth, cosmos, etc. Tripuras worship their own deities according to their own rules. Deities are also named according to their own mother tongue. Although the name of the God and Goddesses worshiped by the Hindus, the method of performing the worship etc. are almost similar to these God and Goddesses of Tripura, they are not the same. Idol worship is not practiced in Tripura society even in tribal society. In the puja ceremony of Tripura, only the symbols of the deity are used as symbols of the deity in the seat of worship Wathop (making by bamboo), Dip, Marai, Khong, Nagri, Thalongma, etc. are used as aggregates of worship. As a result, the people did not need Brahmins to conduct the puja ceremonies. According to their own Culture, Religion, Customs, the Tripura people perform the puja with priest Chantai, Deorai or Ochai. All puja-parvan work is done hand in hand by Achai.

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