
This chapter looks at the options which were open to Paul when he used the phrase who gives life to the dead. It discusses Paul's use of this phrase especially in light of his criticism of the law in 4: 13-16. It is well-known that Paul makes use in Romans 4: 17 of a liturgical formula which is best known the second benediction of the Shemoneh Esreh: Blessed are You, Lord, who revive the dead. In the Old Testament and in intertestamental Jewish tradition, the miracle of renewed life was given added significance by the fact that the child who was born was Isaac. With the predication of God in 4: 17 as weIl as with the description of Abraham and Sarah in 4: 19, Paul has put the last part of chapter 4 under the scheme of a transfer from death to life.Keywords: Abraham; dead; Jewish tradition; Old Testament; Paul; Romans; Sarah; Shemoneh Esreh

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