
Robyn L. Gobin, Ph.D., of the University of Illinois Urbana‐Champaign has been named a 2018 American Psychological Association (APA) citizen psychologist by the APA for her leadership in reducing barriers to mental health treatment for ethnic minority populations and creating an educational pipeline for the next generation of culturally diverse leaders in the field of psychology. Launched by APA President Jessica Daniel, Ph.D., the Citizen Psychologist Initiative recognizes APA members who engage their communities through public service, volunteerism and board membership, an APA press release stated. Representing every branch of psychology, citizen psychologists serve as long‐term volunteers for Habitat for Humanity, participate in church ministries and volunteer as expert speakers for nonprofit organizations, among other roles. The goals of the APA Citizen Psychologist Initiative include educating high school, undergraduate and graduate school students through internships, postdoctoral fellowships and lifelong learning about how to become a successful APA citizen psychologist.

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