
In order to increase the efficiency of goats exploitation, regarding the production of milk and meat, is necessary the reproduction intensification and optimization, underlying the factors with major influence over this functions. The goats reproduction function intensively constitutes an important specially preoccupation and stands on a special technology regarding the achievement of heat synchronization, organizing the calves in extra season, early repartition of the young female, generalizing the artificial insemination with freeze sperm, embryos transplant, etc. The material utilized in carrying out this study consisted in the research, analysis and interpretation of the specialized documentation. An important part presented through the adequate methodology, was to know the national experience, which Romania accumulated in time according to the need to intensify and optimized the reproduction function for to increase efficiency in goat farms. Some of the measures that can be taken for the goat’s intensively reproduction are: the off season of the sexual cycle; early weaning of the kids; infusion crossbreeding; heat synchronization; early use of the well developed youth female at reproduction; preparing the partners for interbreeding; used interbreeding system (artificial inseminations). In order to evidentate the reproduction role over the optimization in a goats breeding farm, the main indices of the goats’ reproduction are: ♂x♀→ reproduction optimization level(CR%), the prolific indices(P%), gestation indices(G%), fecundity indices (IF%), fertility indices(F%), birth rate indices(N%). Considering the climate modifications registered in the last years in our country, breeder orientation towards goats exploitation will register an expansion and in order to achieve favorable economic results, is necessary the amelioration in the wanted direction, respectively, for the production of milk and meat, and in this sense to collaborate directly the intensively and the optimization of the reproduction. Although is necessary to correlate and to improve the value of the reproduction indices, with the tendency towards these values optimization. BIBLIOGRAPHY

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