
Objective: This study was to characterize the goat production units of the central mountain area of the state of Veracruz, Mexico. Disign/methodology/approach: A multiple case study was carried out taking into consideration socioeconomic aspects, type of forage, goat feeding, reproduction, improvement, and health. Results: The results showed that goat and cheese production account for 50-100% of the producers' income. The forages grown and the type of goat feed used in the production units of the mountain area are: King grass, CT-115, maralfalfa, giant star grass, alfalfa, and corn. Animal reproduction is carried out by controlled mating and births take place at the beginning and end of each year. Flocks do not exceed 150 heads; the predominant breeds are Saanen and Alpine. The average daily production of milk ranges from 16 to 90 L, with a production of 0.75-3 L milk animal-1 day-1. Study limitations/implications: None Findings/conclusions: The activity is family-based and involves cultivation, animal management, and milk and artisanal cheese production. Further studies are required to confirm individual milk production.

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