
Dairy goat farming in Tanzania and Malawi, promoted through collaboration between Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Sokoine University of Agriculture and Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources, has improved income and nutrition of the poor households of both countries. In Tanzania, the successful introduction of dairy goats can be traced in Mgeta division, Uluguru mountains, Morogoro region, where goat milk has improved nutrition in the farm families. Surplus milk in Mgeta is processed into yoghurt by the farmers’ association (TWAWOSE). Milk and yoghurt are sold in local markets within the division with potential for reaching distant markets, including Morogoro Municipality (50 km) and Dar es Salaam (250 km) where market promotions for goat milk and yoghurt were successfully conducted. However, the progress of dairy goats’ milk industry is constrained by lack of reliable milk records, limited knowledge in hygienic milk handling at farm level and poor infrastructure which lead to the production of poor-quality raw milk that does not meet minimum standards for milk processing. The objective of this review is to present current knowledge on dairy goat milk quality and possible dairy products to be considered in rural households of Tanzania and Malawi, under the farmer-milk processor partnership. The potential and available technologies for processing goat milk are suggested including fluid milk beverage, yoghurt and cheese from goat milk. Further, we discuss the possible partnership between dairy goat farmers and the private sector (e.g. milk processors), a vital link for supporting innovations and commercialisation of the dairy goat industry. Farmers benefit from the technologies and skills in good farming practices and milk handling, while processors gain by obtaining good quality milk and milk products. As a result, increased income and better nutrition from dairy goats will be achieved.

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