
Agriculture is the main economic activity in India which mostly practiced in association with livestock husbandry. Goat is one the most important species of livestock which reared by the poor and socio-economically backward section of rural population. Great market demand for livestock product, diversification of agriculture, rising unemployment level, nutritional requirements, lack of capital to purchase the big ruminants and lack of labour to rear the big animal have fuelled the growth of goat rearing in India. Present study has been under taken to understand the distribution of goat population in time and space, their density and share in total livestock and explore the causes of growth of goat husbandry, in the form of milk and meat production, employment and income generation. The role of goat rearing in rural socio economic transformation has been also explored for development of strategy for alleviation of rural poverty and women economic empowerment in the study area. Devipatan region in Eastern Uttar Pradesh has been selected as the study area to conduct the study. The study has revealed that goat has increased by 21.74 percent in the study area. It also revealed that 20.69 percent Hindu and 78.16 percent are Muslims are rearing goat. The caste-wise involvement shows that there are 20.00 percent Schedule caste, 71.92 other backward castes and 7.69 High caste goat farmers. The cost –income analysis showed positive performance with income over total production cost at least Rs.11854.00 per female goat per annum which varies with stock size up to Rs.14000.00 for big stock size (more than 12 female adult goat). Moreover, nutrition intake is also improved through consumption of milk produced and indirectly helps in saving expenditure for purchasing milk from outside. 71.79 percent responded in positive for improvement in nutrition intake. Economic women empowerment through this occupation is also enhanced as believed by 83 percent of respondents.

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