
Songs constitute a complex system of vocal signals for inter-individual communication in songbirds. Here, we elucidate the flexibility which songbirds exhibit in the organizing and sequencing of syllables within their songs. Utilizing a newly devised song decoder for quasi-real-time annotation, we execute an operant conditioning paradigm, with rewards contingent upon specific syllable syntax. Our analysis reveals that birds possess the capacity to modify the contents of their songs, adjust the repetition length of particular syllables and employing specific motifs. Notably, birds altered their syllable sequence in a goal-directed manner to obtain rewards. We demonstrate that such modulation occurs within a distinct song segment, with adjustments made within 10 minutes after cue presentation. Additionally, we identify the involvement of the parietal-basal ganglia pathway in orchestrating these flexible modulations of syllable sequences. Our findings unveil an unappreciated aspect of songbird communication, drawing parallels with human speech.

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