
This article works on Vygotsky’s (1987) conceptions of the relationship between thought and language from a perspective of influence on cognitive development and the formation of the view on gender proposed by the school. In this sense, we also noted the construction of stereotypes understood by Brunneli (2016) as major influences on social behavior and discourse, relating, from this perspective, and being able to explain actions and interactions that are studied by social psychology. Nevertheless, the studies of Cunha and Góes (2002), Xavier, Ribeiro and Noronha (1994) were used to understand how the formation of these stereotypes that were disseminated influenced the educational organization and cooperated to maintain the status quo, that is, inequality and its justifications. Also, to understand the new questions that arise about sexuality, it was necessary to analyze the studies of Louro (1997) and Oliveira e Santos (2012) to understand these new dynamics and perspectives that arise to think about a school concerned with the present, leaving aside your worries about yesterday. Therefore, it was perceived how these relations coexisted and fostered a social organization based on a purpose not only to justify hierarchical power relations, but also to maintain them using strategic sectors such as education and, consequently, the school.

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