
Control of glyphosate-resistant (GR) horseweed in no-till cotton has become a serious challenge for midsouth producers. Control of GR horseweed prior to no-till cotton planting (burndown) was examined with glufosinate applied at a standard rate (0.47 kg ai/ha) 30, 21, and 14 d before planting (DBP) and at 0.35 and 0.58 kg ai/ha 14 DBP. Glufosinate at 0.47 kg ai/ha was also tank-mixed with 2,4-D, dicamba, or flumioxazin 30 DBP, and with diuron, pendimethalin, prometryn, or glyphosate at 14 DBP. Glufosinate applied at the standard rate 21 or 30 DBP did not control GR horseweed (<55%), but did provide better control (85%) when applied 14 DBP. The high rate of glufosinate (0.58 kg ai/ha) applied 14 DBP controlled GR horseweed. Tank mixtures of glufosinate with dicamba or 2,4-D at 30 DBP controlled GR horseweed. Tank mixtures of glufosinate with either prometryn or diuron provided initial burndown and residual weed control. Tank mixtures of glufosinate + pendimethalin or flumioxazin did not increase control of existing horseweed, but did provide residual control 56 days after application.

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