
Glycosylation of the human monoclonal IgGl λ antibody (mAb) CBGA1 was analysed by lectin blotting. The CBGA1 antibody binds to several antigens including donor self antigens, as detected by ELISA immunoblotting techniques and an erythrocyte binding assay. The mAb producing cell line was obtained by EBV transformation of peripheral blood lymphocytes of a healthy donor followed by fusion to the heteromyeloma cell line, CB-F7. The resulting heterohybridoma was cultivated in a hollow fibre bioreactor system. A bulk pool of 0.9 g antibody was produced. Fab and Fc fragments of the purified mAb were prepared and analysed. A noteworthy heterogeneity of CBGA1 and its fragments in SDS-PAGE and IEF was detected. We found glycosylation in the Fab fragment of CBGA1 in addition to the conserved glycosylation site in the Fc fragment at Asn 297. Fab glycosylation was detected in both the Fd region and the λ-chain. The glycosylation pattern of the γ-chain differs from that of the γ-chain. Sequence analysis of the VH gene shows a potential N-glycosylation site located in framework III at position Asn 75.

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