
Drusen are a marker of age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Lesions similar to drusen, both in histology and their clinical appearance, are also seen in choroidal tumours, chronic inflammatory and degenerative conditions of the eye, and in mesangiocapillary glomerulonephritis type II (MCGN-II). This study aims to compare the saccharide composition of these drusen-like lesions in the various ocular pathological groups and in MCGN-II. Formalin fixed and paraffin wax embedded tissue from 21 eyes was studied. The histological diagnoses included AMD, retinal detachment, phthisis bulbi following failed retinal detachment surgery, malignant melanoma, long-standing uveitis, glaucoma and MCGN II. Glycosylation was examined using a panel of twenty biotinylated lectins and an avidin-peroxidase DAB-cobalt revealing system, with and without neuraminidase pre-treatment. High mannose, bi/tri-nonbisected and bisected complex N-glycan, N-acetyl glucosaminyl, galactosyl and sialyl residues were found to be expressed by drusen, while treatment with neuraminidase exposed subterminal N-acetyl galactosamine and galactosyl residues. Similar binding patterns were found in the various pathological groups studied. As there was no significant difference in the lectin-binding pattern in drusen in different pathologies, a common pathogenesis or at least a final common pathway for the elaboration of carbohydrate components of drusen is suggested.

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