
Platelet activation by thrombin plays a major role in the development of haemostasis and thrombosis. Thrombin activates human platelets by cleaving the N-terminal region of G-protein-coupled protease-activated receptors (PARs). On the other hand, the platelet membrane glycoprotein GPIb acts as a thrombin-binding site and promotes platelet activation by low thrombin concentrations. We present here new evidence in favour of a thrombin receptor function for GPIb. We have selected conditions in which thrombin-GPIb interactions were enhanced by thrombin immobilization. Activation was studied independently of PAR cleavage by using active-site-blocked thrombin. We show that immobilized, proteolytically inactive thrombin induces platelet adhesion and spreading, dense granule secretion and integrin alphaIIbbeta3-dependent platelet-platelet interactions. The pathway must be dependent on GPIb because it is deficient in platelets from a patient with Bernard Soulier syndrome and inhibited by a monoclonal antibody to GPIb (SZ2) or by an excess of glycocalicin. Secreted ADP plays a major role in GPIb-dependent thrombin-induced platelet activation which is, in addition, regulated by cAMP concentration. Thrombin-induced GPIb-dependent platelet activation leads to tyrosyl phosphorylation of several proteins. Inhibition of platelet-platelet interactions and protein tyrosine phosphorylations by inhibitors of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinases and protein kinase C implies that activation of the latter are important steps of the GPIb-coupled signalling pathway triggered by thrombin.

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