
The steady state kinetics of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate:NADP(+) oxidoreductase (GNR) (EC have been investigated. The enzyme exhibits hyperbolic behavior over a wide range of substrate concentrations. Double-reciprocal plots are nearly parallel or distantly convergent with limiting K(m) values of 2 to 5 micromolar for NADP(+) and 20 to 40 micromolar for D-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P). The velocity response to NADP(+) as the varied substrate is however sigmoidal if G3P concentration exceeds 10 micromolar, whereas the response to G3P may show inhibition above this concentration. This ;G3P-inhibited state' is alleviated by saturating amounts of NADP(+) or NADPH. Product inhibition patterns indicate NADPH as a potent competitive inhibitor to NADP(+) (K(i) 30 micromolar) and mixed inhibitor towards G3P, and 3-phosphoglycerate (3PGA) as mixed inhibitor to both NADP(+) and G3P (K(i) 10 millimolar). The data, and those obtained with dead-end inhibitors, are consistent with a nonrapid equilibrium random mechanism with two alternative kinetic pathways. Of these, a rapid kinetic sequence (probably ordered with NADP(+) binding first and G3P binding as second substrate) is dominant in the range of hyperbolic responses. A reverse reaction with 3PGA and NADPH as substrates is unlikely, and was not detected. Of a number of compounds tested, erythrose 4-phosphate (K(i) 7 micromolar) and Pi (K(i) 2.4 millimolar) act as competitive inhibitors to G3P (uncompetitive towards NADP(+)) and are likely to affect the in vivo activity. Ribose 5-phosphate, phosphoenolpyruvate, ATP, and ADP are also somewhat inhibitory. Full GNR activity in the leaf seems to be allowed only under high photosynthesis conditions, when levels of several inhibitors are low and substrate is high. We suggest that a main function of leaf GNR is to supply NADPH required for photorespiration, the reaction product 3PGA being cycled back to chloroplasts.

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