
Background: Food products with a low Glycemic index (GI) help control blood glucose levels and may also help reduce body weight. The risk of obesity-related chronic diseases increases with the consumption of refined carbohydrate-rich or a diet with high GI food choices. Vidaslim®, an Oral Nutrition Supplement was formulated by Signutra Inc, with a high protein blend (whey, soy, and casein), dietary Fiber (polydextrose), and several phytonutrients with an attempt to reduce body weight. Aim: To determine the GI of the Vidaslim® in fifteen overweight / obese people aged between 20 and 45 years. Methodology: The study participants consumed the test food, Vidaslim® containing 25 g of available carbohydrate. Participants underwent 3 days of reference food (glucose) testing and 1 day of test food with 2 days of wash-out period. In between capillary blood glucose was measured after overnight fasting at 0, 15, 30, 45, 60, 90, and 120 min after consuming the reference and test food in a random order. The GI was assessed using a validated protocol by FAO and ISO (2010). Following this, the glycemic load (GL) of Vidaslim® was also calculated. Results: Out of 15 participants who completed the study, 3 were removed as statistical outliers (GI > mean ± 2SD), and hence the data was presented for the remaining 12 participants. The mean age of the participants was 28.1±5.4 years, and body mass index (BMI) was 27.2±2.7 kg/m2. Vidaslim® had a low GI value of 21±3.6 (Mean+SD). The GI value was not influenced by age, sex, dietary total calories, protein, fat, carbohydrates, dietary Fiber, and physical activity levels. The Glycemic Load (GL) of Vidaslim® was 4.86 (low GL). Conclusion: The oral nutritional supplement, Vidaslim®, has a low GI and GL value, and hence, could be a suitable healthy supplement for those with obesity and diabetes.

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