
Glutamatergic (Glu) synaptic inputs at phrenic motor neurons (PhMNs) predominantly comprise descending axons from respiratory centers in the ventrolateral medulla. Descending synaptic inputs provide the drive for inspiratory as well as various other behaviors that result in higher force generation. We recently examined pre‐synaptic Glu terminals (VGLUT1 and VGLUT2‐positive) around the somal membrane of PhMNs grouped according to size using a robust confocal imaging‐based technique and semi‐automated image processing, and found an ~10% higher density of Glu terminals at PhMNs in the lower tertile of somal surface area. In parallel studies, we determined the density of AMPA and NMDA mRNA expression in PhMNs grouped according to size, and found that PhMNs in the lower tertile of somal surface area display ~25% higher density of AMPA (Gria2) and NMDA (Grin1) mRNA expression compared to PhMNs in the upper tertile of somal surface area. Assuming an orderly recruitment of motor units based on their intrinsic electrophysiological properties, PhMNs in the lower tertile of somal surface area are likely recruited first in order to accomplish lower force behaviors necessary for inspiration in normoxic as well as in hypoxic (10% O2) and hypercapnic (5% CO2) conditions. Thus, differences in glutamatergic neurotransmission across PhMNs of increasing size support the orderly recruitment of motor units, promoting recruitment of fatigue resistant units for inspiratory behaviors. In adult male rats, unilateral C2 hemisection (C2SH) abolishes inspiratory‐related diaphragm muscle (DIAm) activity ipsilateral to injury, but DIAm activity during higher force behaviors persists, reflecting the contribution of spared inputs, likely contralateral. Accordingly, we hypothesized that C2SH primarily disrupts Glu synaptic inputs to smaller PhMNs, whereas Glu synaptic inputs to larger PhMNs are preserved. By 7 days following unilateral C2SH, there was a ~45% reduction in ipsilateral Glu synaptic input to PhMNs compared to a ~20% reduction contralaterally. Ipsilateral to C2SH, there was an ~60% reduction in presynaptic Glu terminals at PhMNs in lower tertile of somal surface area compared to ~30% reduction at PhMNs in the upper tertile of size. Contralateral to C2SH, the reduction in presynaptic Glu terminals was similar across PhMNs grouped according to somal surface area. These results are consistent with a more pronounced effect of C2SH on inspiratory behaviors of the DIAm, and the preservation of higher force behaviors after C2SH. These results also indicate that Glu synaptic input to PhMNs varies depending on motor neuron size and likely reflects different motor control, including possibly distinct central pattern generator and premotor circuits, onto PhMNs recruited for motor behaviors with varying levels of force generation.Support or Funding InformationNIH Grants R01 HL96750 and HL146114

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