
A number of previous studies using in vivo and cultured fetal lung models have shown that the activity of choline-phosphate cytidylyltransferase, the enzyme which catalyzes a rate-limiting reaction in de novo phosphatidylcholine synthesis, is increased by glucocorticoids and other hormones which accelerate fetal lung maturation. To examine the mechanism of this glucocorticoid action further, we examined the effect of dexamethasone on cytidylyltransferase activity in cultured fetal rat lung explants and related it to specific dexamethasone binding. Dexamethasone stimulated cytidylyltransferase activity in the homogenate, microsomal and 105 000 × g supernatant fractions. The hormone did not alter the subcellular distribution of the enzyme, however; the bulk of the activity was in the supernatant fraction in both the control and dexamethasone-treated cultures. The dose-response curves for stimulation of cytidylyltransferase activity in the supernatant fraction and specific nuclear binding of dexamethasone were similar and both plateaued at approx. 20 nM. The EC 50 for cytidylyltransferase stimulation was 6.6 nM and the K d for dexamethasone binding was 6.8 nM. The relative potencies of various steroids for stimulating choline-phosphate cytidylyltransferase and for specific nuclear glucocorticoid binding were the same: dexamethasone > cortisol = corticosterone = dihydrocorticosterone > progesterone. The stimulation by dexamethasone of cytidylyltransferase activity and of choline incorporation into phosphatidylcholine were both abolished by actinomycin D. These data show that the stimulatory effect of dexamethasone on fetal rat lung choline-phosphate cytidylyltransferase activity is largely on the enzyme in the supernatant fraction and does not involve enzyme translocation to the microsomes as has been reported for cytidylyltransferase activation in some other systems. This effect of dexamethasone is a receptor-mediated process dependent on RNA and protein synthesis.

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