
Dental patient-centered outcomes can improve the relevance of clinical study results to dental patients and generate evidence to optimize health outcomes for dental patients. Dental patient-reported outcomes (dPROs) are of great importance to patient-centered dental care. They can be used to evaluate the health outcomes of an individual patient about the impact of oral diseases and treatment, and to assess the quality of oral health care delivery for a health care entity. dPROs are measured with dental patient-reported outcome measures (dPROMs). dPROMs should be validated and tested before wider dissemination and application to ensure that they can accurately capture the intended dPROs. Evidence suggests inadequate dPRO usage among dental trials, as well as potential flaws in some existing dPROMs. This Glossary presents a collection of main terms in dental patient-centered outcomes to help clinicians and researchers read and understand patient-centered clinical studies in dentistry.

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