
The commentary approves the position of the Constitutional Tribunal expressed in the judgment of 30 September 2008 (Case K 44/07). The Constitutional Tribunal considered the application submitted by the First President of the Supreme Court, which concerned the scope of freedom of public administration authorities when they make decisions about destruction of a civil aircraft. The Constitutional Tribunal was tasked with adjudicating in this case if art. 122a act of „Prawo lotnicze” [Aviation law] is matched with art. 38, art. 31 ust. 3, art. 2, art. 26 and art. 30 of Constitution of the Republic of Poland. The decision of the judgment states that the provision of art. 122a of „Prawo lotnicze” is incompatible with the constitutional standard of protection of the right to life. Thus, the Constitutional Tribunal annulled the regulation allowing the Polish authorities to order the destruction of a passenger plane, which has been used for illegal activities, including those of a terrorist nature.

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