
We investigate the integrated far-ultraviolet (FUV) emission from globular clusters. We present new FUV photometry of M~87's clusters based on archival HST WFPC2 F170W observations. We use these data to test the reliability of published photometry based on HST STIS FUV-MAMA observations, which are now known to suffer from significant red-leak. We generally confirm these previous FUV detections, but suggest they may be somewhat fainter. We compare the FUV emission from bright ($M_{V} < -9.0$) clusters in the Milky Way, M~31, M~81 and M~87 to each other and to the predictions from stellar populations models. Metal-rich globular clusters show a large spread in FUV-V, with some clusters in M~31, M~81 and M~87 being much bluer than standard predictions. This requires that some metal-rich clusters host a significant population of blue/extreme horizontal branch (HB) stars. These hot HB stars are not traditionally expected in metal-rich environments, but are a natural consequence of multiple populations in clusters - since the enriched population is observed to be He-enhanced and will therefore produce bluer HB stars, even at high metallicity. We conclude that the observed FUV emission from metal-rich clusters in M~31, M~81 and M~87 provides evidence that He-enhanced second populations, similar to those observed directly in the Milky Way, may be a ubiquitous feature of globular clusters in the local universe. Future HST FUV photometry is required to both confirm our interpretation of these archival data and provide constraints on He-enriched second populations of stars in extra-galactic globular clusters.

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