
Vesicomyid bivalves form dense clam beds in both deep-sea cold seeps and hydrothermal vents. The species diversity within this family raises questions about niche separation and specific adaptations. To compare their abilities to withstand hypoxia, we have studied the structure and function of erythrocyte hemoglobin (Hb) and foot myoglobin (Mb) from two vesicomyid species, Christineconcha regab and Laubiericoncha chuni, collected from the Regab pockmark in the Gulf of Guinea at a depth of 3,000 m. Laubiericoncha chuni possesses three monomeric globins, G1 (15,361 Da), G2 (15,668 Da), and G3 (15,682 Da) in circulating erythrocytes (Hb), and also three globins, G1, G3, and G4 (14,786 Da) in foot muscle (Mb). Therefore, globins G2 and G4 appear to be specific for erythrocytes and muscle, respectively, but globins G1 and G3 are common. In contrast, C. regab lacks erythrocyte Hb completely and possesses only globin monomers G1' (14,941 Da), G2' (15,169 Da), and G3' (15,683 Da) in foot muscle. Thus, these two vesicomyid species, C. regab and L. chuni, show a remarkable diversity in globin expression when examined by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Oxygen-binding affinities reveal extremely high oxygen affinities (P50 < 1 Torr, from 5° to 15°C at pH 7.5), in particular L. chuni globins, which might be an advantage allowing L. chuni to dig deeply for sulfides and remain buried for long periods in reduced sediments.

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