
International migration, both forced and voluntary, represents a prominent phenomenon in modern society, which is gaining public attention in countries of origin, transit and destination. However, the issue of migration has not been significantly regulated internationally to date, and the pioneering endeavour has taken place with the adoption of the Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration. A major issue that will continue to gain public attention is the future impact of the Global Compact on the formation of the body of international migration law. Although formally not a legally binding document, adoption of the Global Compact was followed by criticism precisely in regard to its potential legally binding force, actual or presumed. For proponents, it represents a starting point for creating adequate migration policies that are consistent with international human rights law, sustainable development, labour market needs and other policies. This study analyses the legal nature of the Global Compact from the soft law perspective as a source of international law and the initial steps in its implementation to determine states' adherence to its provisions and the potential impact on the development of international migration law.


  • Migration: What is its contribution to International Migration Law?, Questions of International Law, pp. 5–24

  • A major issue that will continue to gain public attention is the future impact of the Global Compact on the formation of the body of international migration law

  • Formally not a legally binding document, adoption of the Global Compact was followed by criticism precisely in regard to its potential legally binding force, actual or presumed

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Pregledno o događajima u navedenim područjima vidi u

Autori članka su se opredelili da koriste termine Globalni kompakt o migracijama/Globalni kompakt, misleći tu, pre svega, na Globalni kompakt o sigurnim, uređenim i regularnim migracijama (Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration), osim ako se ne odnosi na Globalni kompakt o izbeglicama, ali tada se naglašava da je reč o drugopomenutom kompaktu. Vodeći stručnjaci međunarodnog izbegličkog prava i međunarodnog migracionog prava u tematskom broju International Journal of Refugee Law, Vol 30, No 4, koristili su sledeću terminologiju: za Globalni kompakt o sigurnim, uređenim i regularnim migracijama upotrebljavali su naziv Migration Compact, dok su za Globalni kompakt za izbeglice upotrebljavali termin Refugee Compact. Tokom izrade i postupka usvajanja Globalnog kompakta, kao i kasnije u analizama stručne javnosti, postavilo se pitanje pravne prirode ovog dokumenta, njegove trenutne ili potencijalne obaveznosti za potpisnice i konačno pitanje uticaja na razvijanje korpusa međunarodnog migracionog prava

35 Protiv Globalnog kompakta glasale su sledeće države
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