
This paper aims to highlight the significance of Media and means of communication and travel in the feasibility of Ijtehad and Ijma in contemporary world. Modern means of communication and transportation have shrunken the world into a global village. Communication of news and information has become very easy. Environment is much feasible for research and investigation as compared to past. The modern print and electronic media can be used as a platform for academic dialogue and exchange of views both nationally and internationally. The invention of press has made secure the knowledge and resources and easy access to them. The invention of computer and information technology have made easy for Islamic Jurist to access the sources of knowledge. They can communicate with each other via telephone and internet; video conference, email, etc., in spite of sitting together at one place. Modern means of transportation and travel also have shrunken the distances. Years and month's traveling has become just an hour's story. Now it is unto us to have ourselves benefited from all these facilities.


  • Islam is a complete code of conduct and guidance for humans irrespective of time and space up to the day of resurrection and the process of ‘Ijtehad’ is a source to make it compatible with the time

  • According to Roland Robertson, globalization is:"The understanding of the world and the increased perception of the world as a whole."1 Martin Albrow and Elizabeth King, sociologists, define globalization as;"All those processes by which the peoples of the world are incorporated into a single world society.”2 According to Anthony Giddens; "The globalization can be defined as the strengthening of socialrelations throughout the world, linking distant localities in such a way that local happenings are formed as a result of events that occur many miles away and vice versa.”3

  • From the above discussion it is clear that globalization has an enormous impact on society especially on Muslim Society

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Islam is a complete code of conduct and guidance for humans irrespective of time and space up to the day of resurrection and the process of ‘Ijtehad’ is a source to make it compatible with the time. Today we are facing so many new problems in almost every walk of life, which were not usual in past. As a result of modern scientific, political and social developments multifaceted problems have arisen which demand the answer in the light of Islam and they need to be solved and regularized in the light of Islamic Law. Islamic Sharia seems quiet in some of the spheres of human life. Islamic Sharia seems quiet in some of the spheres of human life It implies that the Law Giver wants human beings to deploy their own intellect to chart out the laws. There is a process recognized in Islam since the time of Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) to solve the new issues for which there are no pre-existing rules laid down in Quran and Sunnah i.e. Ijtehad

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