
Foreword - Margaret S Archer Introduction - Martin Albrow TOWARDS A UNIVERSAL SOCIAL SCIENCE Resisting the Revival of Relativism - Margaret S Archer Sociology as the Defetishisation of Modernity - Agnes Heller Conceptual Frameworks in Comparative Inquiry - Divergent or Convergent? - Piotr Sztompka INTERNATIONALISING SOCIOLOGY Sociology's Great Leap Forward - Edward A Tiryakian The Challenge of Internationalisation The Application of Participatory-Action Research in Latin America - Orlando Fals Borda CREATING INDIGENOUS SOCIOLOGIES Contributions to the Sociology of Knowledge from an African Oral Poetry - Akinsola A Akiwowo Asuwada Principle - M Akin Makinde An Analysis of Akiwowo's Contributions to the Sociology of Knowledge from an African Perspective Towards an African Sociological Tradition - O B Lawuyi and Olufemi Taiwo A Rejoinder to Akiwowo and Makinde ONE WORLD SOCIETY Societal Development, or Development of the World-System? - Immanuel Wallerstein Rent-Seeking or Dependency as Explanations of Why Poor People Stay Poor - Erich Weede An Operational Analysis of the Phenomenon of the Other Underdevelopment in the Arab World and in the Third World - Mahmoud Dhaouadi Occidental Reason, Orientalism, Islamic Fundamentalism - Mona Abaza and Georg Stauth A Critique RLD MOVEMENTS The Green Movement - Johan Galtung A Socio-Historical Exploraton The Peace Movement - Artur Meier Some Questions Concerning its Social Nature and Structure Social Movements and Social Change in Self-Creative Socety - Zsuzsa Hegedus New Civil Initiatives in the International Arena

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