
Nowadays, there has been a kind of polarization among intellectuals all over the world regarding globalization. One part considers it to be essential and positive, while the other part rejects the establishment of both. Globalization lies in the direction of humanity. The ideologies and systems prevalent since the modern period have been destroyed; the first one is capitalist and the second one is socialist. As soon as the national market of capital became a factory, the capitalist countries started colonial expansion and one day most6 of the world became the colony of some capitalist country or the other. The impact of market globalization gave rise to two world wars. Today’s globalization is an essential condition for the flourishing of financial and monopoly capital. Similarly, even if socialism, like capitalism, originates at the national level, its nature is also to form a world federation of socialist countries. The Soviet Union was its initial form. In this way, globalization is the result of development in any system.

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