
Abstract Anomic situations in societies are often brought about by social changes. Social anomie is a phenomenon that emerges when traditional norms are not sufficient enough to adequately respond to the new emerging situations, although this does not necessarily imply a state of normlessness in a society. These emerging new situations might result from society’s internal development processes or can be externally imposed. The process of globalisation has brought many major changes in the world political and social-cultural systems. The hitherto unprecedented flow of capital in the name of globalisation has led to a more stratified world than it was before. This process, mainly driven by economic rationalities, has led to social, cultural, environmental and political instabilities in many societies around the world. In a world that lacks a real-world social order, this article reflects on how globalisation impacts on social systems and proposes a spaceship ethic value orientation in charting out ways towards reaching the new world order, where every society can be an indispensable part of the world nomos.

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