
The techniques for material and, more importantly, informational exchange across virtually all borders that have emerged and spread worldwide in recent decades, have led to a phenomenon known as globalisation. Not only certain pesticides or exhaust gases such as CO2 as substances introduced by humans into the environment, are spreading globally and changing the ecology of the planet. There is a close parallel to ideas spreading globally, be they dreams of a happy and peaceful world community (“One Humanity” ideology) that begins to dissolve existing nation states and cultures or, alternatively, Malthusian nightmares as results of an anticipated climate catastrophe, or a sequence of pandemics that, like the plague or leprosy in the past, paralysed entire societies and plunged them into an existential chaos. SARS-CoV-2-related mental crisis is an instructive example. In the paper I analyse positive and negative implications of One Humanity project with respect to the COVID-19-related global shift of mental stereotypes.

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