
The United Nation's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) review of global warming issues suggests man's activities have resulted in a discemible influence on global climate. The panel identifies options which could be employed to ameliorate the climate influencing greenhouse effect which is attributed primarily to carbon dioxide and other gaseous emissions from fossil fuel energy sources. One option identified is nuclear power, as an alternative energy source which would reduce these emissions. The panel observes that, although nuclear power is a relatively greenhouse gas free energy source, there are a number of issues related to it's use which are slowing it's deployment. This paper enumerates the issues raised by the IPCC and addresses each in turn in the context of CANDU reactors and sustainable development. It is concluded that the issues are not fundamental barriers to expanded installation of nuclear fission energy systems. Nuclear reactors, and CANDU reactors in particular, can meet the energy needs of current generations while enhancing the technological base which will allow future generations to meet their energy needs. The essential requirements of a sustainable system are thus met.

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