
International sales opportunities, consolidation of global accounts, and advancements in communication technologies have led to the prevalence of global virtual sales teams (GVSTs). GVSTs enable salespeople from different geographical areas, time zones, and cultural backgrounds to use virtual interfaces and work closely together on interdependent global sales objectives. However, as technology-enabled, culturally diverse, and globally separated teams have not lived up to their potential, researchers have called for furthering our understanding of such teams. Therefore, drawing from literature streams on traditional sales teams, global sales teams, virtual teams, teamwork in organizations, intellectual capital, and social capital, we offer a framework for enhancing the effectiveness of GVSTs. Specifically, we define GVST effectiveness, identify effectiveness enhancing components of the GVST environment, and examine unique dimensions of GVST intellectual and social capital that influence the GVST environment. We conclude with several directions for future research in this promising, yet underresearched, area and implications for practice.

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