
A data set of 2600 paths for Rayleigh waves and 2170 paths for Love waves enabled us to retrieve three‐dimensional distributions of different seismic parameters. Shallow layer corrections have been carefully performed on phase velocity data before regionalization and inversion at depth. The different seismic parameters include the five parameters of a radially anisotropic medium and the eight azimuthal anisotropic parameters as defined by Montagner and Nataf. It is found that the lateral heterogeneities of velocities and anisotropies in the upper mantle are dominated down to 250–30 km by plate tectonics with slow velocities below ridges, high velocities below continents and a velocity increasing with the age of the seafloor. Anisotropy is present in this whole depth range and the directions of maximum velocities are in good agreement with absolute plate velocities. Below 300 km, there is a sharp decreasing of the amplitude of lateral heterogeneities of seismic velocities and anisotropies. Below 450 km, lateral heterogeneities display a degree 2 and to a less extent a degree 6 pattern. Therefore, between 250 km and 450 km, there is a transition region where vertical circulation of matter is possible as shown by subducted slabs and “plumes” of slow velocities but which probably separates two types of convection. The first one is closely related to plate tectonics and to the distribution of continents. The second one dominates below 450 km and is characterized by two downgoing and two upgoing flows.

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