
Sensitivity analysis (SA) of model parameters is of great importance for understanding, development, and application of models. However, the influence of snow microstructure variability on snow water equivalent retrieval from passive microwave measurements is still unclear. This article explores the parameter sensitivity of the microwave emission model of layered snowpacks (MEMLS) with improved born approximation (IBA) by using a quantitative global SA method, the extended Fourier amplitude sensitivity test (EFAST) algorithm. A deep analysis is conducted, including the sensitivity of passive microwave emission to snow parameters, the sensitivity variation analysis for different snow conditions, and the temporal properties of the parameter sensitivity. The results show the exponential correlation length, snow depth, and snow density are the three most sensitive parameters for snow without salt in the MEMLS model for the brightness temperature gradient at 18.7 and 36.5 GHz. For snow with a small salt content, the exponential correlation length, snow depth, snow temperature, and snow density are the four most sensitive parameters. Second, snow parameter variability highly affects the microwave radiation. The sensitivity values of microwave brightness temperature to snow depth gradually increase when the exponential correlation length is less than 0.25 mm and then slightly decreases with the increase of exponential correlation length and decreases along with the increase of snow density. Finally, our analysis highlights the importance to include the snow density, especially for deep snow depth, in the combination of sensitive factors in future multiparameter retrievals.

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