
Formulation of the problem. In modern conditions, in particular after the beginning of full-scale Russian aggression against Ukraine on February 24, 2022, it poses a number of serious problems to the world in various dimensions. The economic space of world civilization is one of them. First of all, this is due to the fact that in conditions of war, especially full-scale, important factors in victory are not only the quantitative military advantage of one of the warring parties, but also economic advantages based on modern production technologies. At the same time, there are questions of consolidation of the world community on the side of the country that fell victim to the aggressor country. In this particular case, we are talking about Ukraine, which was attacked by the Russian Federation. It is the consolidation of European Union member states, NATO member states, as well as individual countries such as the United States, Great Britain, Canada, Poland, Germany, Japan, Australia and other countries that strengthens Ukraine's unequal struggle with Russia. In addition, the role of international organizations such as the UN, the EU, the World Trade Organization and others cannot be underestimated. Combining the efforts of individual states, international organizations, and international economic systems that oppose the aggressive policy of the Russian Federation, undermines the efforts of the aggressor country in the sphere of world domination. The economic sanctions imposed by the world's leading countries and international organizations at the very beginning of Russia's full-scale aggression against Ukraine put the economy of the aggressor country, in particular its financial system, on the brink of disaster. Practically today there is a reorientation and reorganization of the world economic civilization system and the creation of a new paradigm of economic security. This is the largest transformation since the Second World War, as the security mechanisms in general and economic security in particular, enshrined in the UN Charter, the 1975 Helsinki Accords do not provide any guarantees today. Even the Budapest Memorandum, which guaranteed Ukraine's security and territorial integrity, did not work and was violated by the Russian Federation, which signed the document. Analysis of recent research and publications. At the moment, there are no fundamental and generalizing works on this subject, as the topic itself is quite new and requires a comprehensive study in the future. At the same time, there are a large number of assessments of the current situation and prospects for the development of the world's civilized economic global space. The purpose of this study is to determine the possible prospects for the transformation of the world's civilized economic space and the new place of Ukraine in this system. Results of the research. The article attempts to consider the prospects of global reorientation of the world economic space in the context of modern large-scale changes against the background of the Russian-Ukrainian war. Conclusions. As a result of the full-scale aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, it posed a number of serious risks to the world community in the economic, political, military, environmental and other spheres. The world had to react to the disturbance of world balance and balance caused by Russia's aggressive policy. As a result, a number of decisive steps have been taken by the world community in the field of reorientation of the global economic space.

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