
The aim of this work is to attenuate these drawbacks by combining the seismic global model CRUST2.0 with gravity observations from the GOCE satellite mission. More specifically, the used GOCE data are grid values at mean satellite altitude estimated by the so-called space-wise approach. After reducing the data to a two-layer model by removing the effect of topography, bathymetry and sediments, a combined inversion driven by a priori information on the CRUST2.0 accuracy and by the error covariance structure of the GOCE grids is performed. In addition, the observation errors as well as the error due to the data reduction are tentatively taken into account to estimate the accuracy of the final Moho model. The result is an update of the CRUST2.0 Moho model with a 0.5 degrees x 0.5 degrees resolution, which at the same time contains seismic and geological information and it is consistent, at 20 mE level, to the actually observed gravity field. A first comparison with the CRUST2.0 Moho shows that in the continental crust the mean difference between the two models is of the order of 1.5 km with standard deviations depending on the considered region. As expected, the main variations (standard deviation of the order of 7 km) are located in South America, Africa and Antarctica where very few data in the CRUST2.0 were originally used. In the rest of the world, differences have a standard deviation of about 4 km. As for the oceanic crust, it can be noted that the corrections to the CRUST2.0 model are of the order of 3 km (mean value) with a standard deviation of 6 km. Finally, the solution computed in this paper has been compared with a set of Moho models at different scales from global to local ones showing that it is reasonably consistent (differences of about 5 km standard deviation) also with seismic observations.

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