
This paper aims to identify the reasons for the modernization of working with museum visitors. Today, in the context of globally imposed restrictive measures triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, the issue of introducing new and revising the existing forms of cultural and educational activities of museums has become more acute than ever before. New formats of work with visitors such as educational thematic routes, workshops, “behind the scenes”, games and quests, theater performances, meetings with experts of art and science are steadily gaining popularity. The article presents an attempt to determine the reasons for the modernization of the museum work with visitors on the example of publications of the professional journal of the International Council of Museums (ICOM) - “ICOM News”. There is a range of selected articles devoted to the forms of working with visitors in museums in various countries (there are 367 articles dedicated to this issue). As a result of the analysis of these publications, the main reasons for the emergence, development, and modernization of forms of work with the museum audience were identified.

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