
To deal with the challenges in video object detection (VOD), such as occlusion and motion blur, many state-of-the-art video object detectors adopt a feature aggregation module to encode the long-range contextual information to support the current frame. The main drawbacks of these detectors are three-folds: first, the frame-wise detection slows down the detection speed; second, the frame-wise detection usually ignores the local continuity of the objects in a video, resulting in temporal inconsistent detection; third, the feature aggregation module usually encodes temporal features either from a local video clip or a single video, without exploiting the features in other videos. In this work, we develop an online VOD algorithm, aiming at a balanced high-speed and high-accuracy, by exploiting the global memory and local continuity. In the algorithm, an effective and efficient global memory bank (GMB) is designed to deposit and update object class features, which enables us to exploit the support features in other videos to enhance object features in the current video frames. Besides, to further speed up the detection, we design an object tracker to perform object detection for non-key frames based on the detection results of the key frame by leveraging the local continuity property of the video. Considering the trade-off between detection accuracy and speed, the proposed framework achieves superior performance on the ImageNet VID dataset. Source codes will be released to the public via our GitHub website.

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