
1. Global Land Grabs: historical processes, theoretical and methodological implications and current trajectories 2. The Land Rush and Classic Agrarian Questions of Capital and Labour: a systematic scoping review of the socioeconomic impact of land grabs in Africa 3. Land Grabbing, Large- and Small-scale Farming: what can evidence and policy from 20th century Africa contribute to the debate? 4. Primitive Accumulation, Accumulation by Dispossession and the Global Land Grab 5. The New Enclosures? Polanyi, international investment law and the global land rush 6. Human Rights Responses to Land Grabbing: a right to food perspective 7. The Global Politics of Water Grabbing 8. Green Dreams: Myth and Reality in China's Agricultural Investment in Africa 9. Cycles of Land Grabbing in Central America: an argument for history and a case study in the Bajo Aguan, Honduras 10. Global Land Grabbing and Political Reactions 'From Below'

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