
ABSTRACT The Global Initiative (GI) is defined as an umbrella for various mechanisms by which the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and industry, through the International Petroleum Industry Environment Conservation Association (IPIECA), co-operate to support national and regional implementation of the International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response, and Co-operation 1990 (OPRC Convention) and to enhance oil spill preparedness and response capacity through the mobilisation of external assistance and industry support at the national level. The overall aim of GI is to improve and sustain the capability of developing countries to protect their marine and coastal resources at risk from an oil spill incident from any sources, through the implementation of the OPRC Convention. A key feature of the project is the emphasis on promoting industry/government co-operation through the mobilisation of existing and planned industry marine environmental protection expertise and resources. As initially envisaged the project has a global orientation: it directly encourages the ratification of the OPRC Convention and the relevant international liability and compensation conventions and promotes their effective implementation; project activities are undertaken at nationall regional levels to ensure that the weaknesses and gaps peculiar to a certain region are taken care of by moulding the package of training and resource building to address national and regional needs.

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