
Healthcare systems worldwide vary widely in terms of their structure, nancing, and delivery of healthcare services. Some countries have universal healthcare systems, providing healthcare services to all citizens at no cost or minimal cost. In contrast, others rely on a mix of public and private healthcare providers. The quality of healthcare services also varies signicantly across different countries, with some countries having highly advanced healthcare systems and others facing signicant challenges in delivering even essential healthcare services. Access to healthcare services is a crucial determinant of health outcomes, and efforts are ongoing to improve healthcare systems worldwide. India's healthcare system is one of the largest and most complex in the world, serving over 1.3 billion people. The country's healthcare infrastructure comprises a mix of public and private healthcare providers, with the government playing a crucial role in delivering healthcare services. The healthcare system faces several challenges, including inadequate funding, poor infrastructure, a shortage of healthcare professionals, and low insurance coverage. Despite these challenges, the country has made signicant strides in improving access to healthcare services in recent years, with the government launching several initiatives to strengthen the healthcare system. The government has established a nationwide network of primary healthcare centres (PHCs) to provide essential healthcare services to the population. The private sector plays a signicant role in the delivery of healthcare services in India, with many private hospitals and clinics catering to the population's needs. However, the high cost of healthcare services in the private sector makes them inaccessible to a large segment. Overall, while India's healthcare system has made signicant progress in recent years, there is still a long way to go in improving the accessibility and affordability of healthcare services, especially for the marginalised sections of the population

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